I want them to know how to be kind. I want them to know that I was kind. to others and to myself. I’m no so good at the latter, but hopefully, before they leave the nest, they will see that I knew how to take care of myself too. — MICHELLE AVENTAJADO
To think more before springing into action... I’d like to tell my younger self to be more discerning, think about what you’re about to do first before acting on it. Think before you speak. — MERYLL SORIANO, on her advise to her younger self
We must not forget that children are resilient. They need to figure things out on their own and they need space to be independent. — Agoo Bengzon
I heard this from someone, and it always stuck: one of the best gifts you can give your children is a happy marriage. — CAT JUAN-LEDESMA, ON MARRIAGE
That’s the hard thing about motherhood, you keep on going, you give everything that you have and you have to keep giving more. — Amber Folkman